This date/time picker is a canvas based project. The goal was to make a date/time picker that is composed of a single class that has no other dependancies. No React, no Bootstrap, no JQuery, no CSS. The date/time picker has many configurable options, API function calls and callback functions. Days can be excluded or highllighted on initialization or programatically. The look of the date/time picker is also customizeable.
Canvas Date/Time Picker Documentation Canvas Date/Time Picker Repository
Most of the configuration parameters demonstrated above can be changed programatically with API function calls.
The function calls are listed below. The documentation gives detailed information on the Functions.
getDateTimeString, getDateTimeJSON, setPickerType, getPickerType, setDayExcludeArray, getDayExcludeArray,
setDayWhiteArray, getDayWhiteArray, setMonthSpotlightArray, getMonthSpotlightArray, setMonthWhiteArray,
getMonthWhiteArray, setYearSpotlightArray, getYearSpotlightArray, setYearWhiteArray, getYearWhiteArray,
setMonthImageArray, getMonthImageArray, setFontColors, getFontColors, setDateTimeFormat, getDateTimeFormat,
setIsAnimated, getIsAnimated, setMaxPixelWidth, getMaxPixelWidth, setStartOfWeek, getStartOfWeek, setIsMilitaryTime,
getIsMilitaryTime, setFontStyle, getFontStyle, setDateRanges, getDateRanges, setTodayIndicator, getTodayIndicator,
setTodaysDate, getTodaysDate, setTopView, getTopView, setCalendarIcon, getCalendarIcon, setIsCollapsible,
getIsCollapsible, setBodyPosition, getBodyPosition, setDayVertOffset, getDayVertOffset, setIconCanvasParams,
getIconCanvasParams, setBodyCanvasParams, getBodyCanvasParams, setInfoTextParams, getInfoTextParams,
setSelectableParams, getSelectableParams, setPrevNextParams, getPrevNextParams, setClockParams, getClockParams,
setCalendarParams, getCalendarParams, setWeekHeaderParams, getWeekHeaderParams, setSelectedParams,
getSelectedParams, setTodaysDateParams, getTodaysDateParams, setIncDecParams, getIncDecParams, setScales,
getScales, setZIndex, getZIndex, setDebug, getDebug
Callback functions can also be used as event listeners when the user changes the state of the calendar. The following
is a list of available callback functions. Detailed descriptions of the callback functions can be found in the documentation.
dateTimeStringCb, dateTimeJSONCb, openCb, closeCb, hourChangeCb, minuteChangeCb, ampmChangeCb, TimeClickCb,
dateClickCb, monthClickCb, yearClickCb, decadeClickCb, yearViewClickCb, decadeViewClickCb, centuryViewClickCb,
monthNextClickCb, monthPrevClickCb, yearNextClickCb, yearPrevClickCb, decadeNextClickCb, decadePrevClickCb,
centuryNextClickCb, centuryPrevClickCb
The utility functions are for getting holiday dates. For floating holidays, a year must be passed to the function.
For fixed holidays, the function will return a month and day without any parameters. The utility functions are static.
getEaster, getThanksgiving, getMLK, getMothers, getFathers, getWashington, getMemorial, getLabor, getColumbus,
getIndependence, getChristmas, getNewYears, getHalloween, getValentines, getStPatricks, getVeterans